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Good Greek Moving - Florida's most trusted movers

Improvements to Make Before Selling Your Home
By The Good Greek

30 Aug,2019

No matter the reason why you want to sell your house, you want to get the best deal possible. Trying to sell a home “as is” could move the sale along quicker, but you may cheat yourself out of thousands of dollars. A better strategy might involve spending a little extra to renovate areas of … Continue reading Improvements to Make Before Selling Your Home

Questions About Moving and Movers

Installation and Removal of Home Security When Moving: DIY or Professional Services?
By The Good Greek

29 Aug,2019

Home security is no laughing matter, which is exactly why you’ve taken the steps to protect yourself and your family. But right now you’re planning to move to a new home. Given the relative permanence of a home security system by design, you’re probably asking how you’ll be able to take everything with you. Luckily, … Continue reading Installation and Removal of Home Security When Moving: DIY or Professional Services?

Miami International Mall in Miami

Why Do So Many People Want to Move to Miami?
By The Good Greek

28 Aug,2019
Miami is unlike any other city in the United States. There’s a quick way to tell - just let some people know that you are thinking about moving there. You will see the interest in their eyes. Miami is not like Chicago, Dallas, New York or L.A. The Magic City has an appeal that is … Continue reading Why Do So Many People Want to Move to Miami?

Why We Recommend Getting Moving Insurance For Your Move
By The Good Greek

22 Aug,2019
When it comes to moves, people are often stressed enough. The thought of moving their items across the country, or even across the city, is enough to make them even more anxious. We at Good Greek Moving & Storage consider it part of our job to give you the best service. That includes helping you … Continue reading Why We Recommend Getting Moving Insurance For Your Move

5 Information-Age Strategies for Selling Your Home Faster
By The Good Greek

13 Aug,2019

At this point, it has become a cliché to talk about how much the internet has changed our society. However, this is a factor that should not be overlooked when it comes to the sale of your home. As more and more human interaction migrates to the online space, it is no surprise that different … Continue reading 5 Information-Age Strategies for Selling Your Home Faster

3 Ways to Prevent Mold Damage to Your Home
By The Good Greek

12 Aug,2019

Mold in your home always means bad news. It can grow everywhere, and it represents a threat not only to your home and belongings but also to your health. As a living organism, mold thrives when it encounters the right conditions. Basements, kitchens, bathrooms, and pretty much any other area where water is present is … Continue reading 3 Ways to Prevent Mold Damage to Your Home

Moving in to a college dorm

Tips For Moving Into a Dorm
By The Good Greek

12 Aug,2019
For parents, moving their child to college is an extremely emotional time. How on Earth did they get to college age so fast? As for the students, they are usually a jumbled combination of excitement and anxiety. That’s all to be expected. But with all those emotions bouncing around, it’s sometimes easy to forget some … Continue reading Tips For Moving Into a Dorm

7 Tips To Get Your Friends To Help You Move
By The Good Greek

08 Aug,2019
Here’s the truth: The number of people who are excited to help you move is exactly zero. Yes, that includes even your closest friends. But if you decide to make a DIY move rather than hiring professional movers, then you better make a plan. Because their help is critical. But it won’t be easy. Nothing … Continue reading 7 Tips To Get Your Friends To Help You Move

3 Hazardous Materials to Look Out for When Buying an Older Home
By The Good Greek

29 Jul,2019

Many people in the market for a new residence are looking for the charm of an older home. However, some of these older homes contain materials that are hazardous, even though they weren’t considered hazardous when the home was built. Here are three materials to be on the look-out for in an older home. Lead … Continue reading 3 Hazardous Materials to Look Out for When Buying an Older Home

Why It’s Great to Live in Fort Myers
By The Good Greek

22 Jul,2019

Slow down and live the life you were meant to live in Fort Myers, Florida. Whether you choose to relax and take in the natural beauty it has to offer, or you want to get out and enjoy yourself, Fort Myers has it all.  Scenery With some of the most amazing scenery around, you’ll feel … Continue reading Why It’s Great to Live in Fort Myers

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